From Birdies to Bucks: Spice Up Your Golf Game with These Betting Games

Are you tired of playing the same old golf game every weekend? Want to add some excitement and friendly competition to your rounds? Look no further, because we have compiled a list of the best golf gambling games for you and your golfing group to try out. These golf ingroup games are sure to spice up your game and have you playing for more than just bragging rights. So grab your clubs and your betting money, and let’s tee off into the world of golf gambling games.
3-Player Games to Up Your Golf Gambling Ante

Looking to up the ante in your golf gambling games? Well, look no further because we have some exciting options for you and your two golfing buddies. These 3-player games are sure to add a new level of competition and fun to your rounds. So, let’s dive into the world of golf gambling games and see what awaits us on the fairways.
A very common game played with threesomes is Nine Point. Essentially, every hole is worth 9-points: the lowest net score gets 5pts, the 2nd lowest net gets 3pts, and the highest net gets 1pt. If there are ties, those players split those points (so if two players have the same lowest score, they each get 4pts, and the highest net still gets 1pt; if all players are tied, each player gets 3pts).
This is a pretty easy game to play and to track–and can be a low stakes game or high stakes… it al depends on how much money each ‘point’ is worth. Fiscally conservative players will play for fifty-cents to a dollar per point, whereas more ‘high-rolling’ types of players will play $5, $10, or even $20 per point.
One popular game for a group of three players is Banker Golf. In this game, one player is designated as the banker, while the other two players compete against each other. The banker’s role is to offer odds on certain outcomes of the round. For example, the banker might offer odds on who will hit the longest drive, who will make the most birdies, or who will have the lowest score on a particular hole. The other two players then place bets on these outcomes, and the winner takes the pot.
Banker Golf is a great game because it allows the banker to use their knowledge of the players’ strengths and weaknesses to set the odds. This adds a strategic element to the game and makes it more than just a matter of luck. The banker has to think carefully about the odds they offer, considering both the players’ abilities and their own bankroll.
Another exciting game for three players is Hammer Golf. In this game, each player has the opportunity to “hammer” their opponents on certain holes. The hammer is a special bet that can be used once per round. When a player decides to use their hammer, they choose a hole and bet that they will have the lowest score on that hole. If they succeed, they win double the bet from each of the other players. However, if they fail, they must pay double the bet to each of the other players.
Hammer Golf adds an extra layer of strategy and risk-taking to the game. Players have to carefully choose when to use their hammer, considering the difficulty of the hole and their own skills. Will they save it for a hole they know they can dominate, or will they take a gamble and try to win big on a more challenging hole? It’s all part of the excitement and unpredictability of Hammer Golf.
Nine Point, Banker Golf and Hammer Golf are great options for a group of three players looking to spice up their golf gambling games. They offer a mix of strategy, competition, and a chance to win some extra cash. So, the next time you hit the links with your golfing buddies, give these games a try and see who comes out on top.
Fun Four-Player Golf Betting Games

Now we’re about to dive into some exciting options for you and your four-player group. These games are designed to add an extra level of fun, competition, and a chance to win some serious cash. So grab your buddies and let’s explore the world of four-player golf betting games.
One popular game for a group of four players is Wolf. In this game, players take turns being the “wolf” for each hole. The wolf gets to choose whether to play the hole as a team with one of the other players or go solo against the other three. The twist is that the wolf must make their decision before seeing their fellow players’ shots. If the wolf chooses to go solo and wins the hole, they win double the bet from each of the other players. However, if the other players win the hole, they each win double the bet from the wolf.
The strategy and decision-making in Wolf make it an exciting and engaging game. Players have to consider the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents, the difficulty of the hole, and their own abilities before making their decision. Do you go solo and take the risk of winning big, or do you play it safe and team up with someone for a guaranteed win? The choice is yours, and it can make or break your round.
Another thrilling four-player game is Las Vegas. In this game, each player is assigned a partner for the round, and their scores are combined to form a team score. The twist is that each team’s score is not simply added up; it is paired together to create a two-digit number. For example, if Player A scores a 4 and Player B scores a 5, their team score is 45. The lowest two-digit number wins the hole, and the winning team takes the bet.
Las Vegas adds an element of luck and strategy to the game. Players have to carefully choose their partners based on their own abilities and try to create the best two-digit number possible. Do you pair up with a consistent player to aim for lower scores, or do you take a risk and team up with a player who can hit long drives for a chance at a lower two-digit number? The excitement and unpredictability of Las Vegas make it a must-try game for your foursome.
Another favorite 4-man game is DOC, an acronym for ‘Drivers, Opposites, and Carts’. You split the 18 holes into three separate 6 hole net-match play matches. For the 1st six holes, the Drivers of each cart are on one team (and passengers are on the other team). For the middle six holes (#7-#12), the Opposites in each cart are on the same team (so driver A with passenger B, driver B with passenger A). And for the final six holes, the players in each cart are teamed up against the other cart.
This is a very fun game that ensures playing with everyone else in the group as your partner. It can also be as high-stakes or low-stakes as you group desire. One additional element you can do is place a full Nassau bet on each 6-hole match (so, the first 3-holes constitute the ‘front’, last 3-holes constitute the ‘back’, and all 6 holes count as the overall). If you play a $3 Nassau DOC game, the most you could lose is $27 (if you lost every portion of the Nassau). This is a Country Club favorite!
Whether you choose Wolf, Las Vegas, or DOC, these four-player golf betting games are sure to add excitement, friendly competition, and a chance to win some extra cash to your rounds. So gather your golfing buddies, set up your bets, and let the games begin. Who knows, you might just walk away as the reigning champion and the proud owner of a little extra spending money. Happy gambling, and may the best golfer win!
High Stakes Eight: Betting Games for Larger Groups

If you have a larger group of golfing buddies, you might be wondering how to incorporate everyone into a thrilling betting game. Well, look no further, because we have some high-stakes options that are perfect for larger groups. These betting games will have your whole crew on the edge of their seats and playing for some serious cash. So gather your friends, grab your clubs, and get ready for some intense competition on the fairways.
One exciting game for larger groups is called Snake. In this game, each player starts by betting an agreed-upon amount into a pot. Then, the order of play is determined randomly. The first player tees off, and after each shot, the player with the worst shot is designated as the “snake” for that hole. The snake must then make a side bet with each of the other players. If the snake wins the hole, they collect all the side bets. However, if any other player wins the hole, they collect the snake’s side bet. This continues for each hole, with a new snake being designated after every shot.
Snake is an intense and strategic game that keeps everyone on their toes. As the snake, you have to make calculated side bets with each player, considering their skill level and the difficulty of the hole. The pressure is on to win the hole and collect those side bets, but you have to be careful not to bet too much and risk losing it all. And if you’re not the snake, you have the chance to make some extra cash by beating the snake and collecting their side bet. It’s a game that guarantees high stakes and keeps the excitement going throughout the entire round.
If you’re looking for a game that adds a cooperative element to the competition, then Scramble is the way to go. In this game, players are divided into teams of four. Each team member tees off, and then the group chooses the best shot. From there, all team members play their own balls for the rest of the hole. The team’s score is the best score from the group on each hole. The twist is that each team member must contribute a certain number of tee shots to the team score. For example, if you play with a rule that each team member’s tee shot must be used at least four times, then each player’s tee shot must be used on at least four different holes.
Scramble is a great way to encourage teamwork and strategizing among your group. You have to carefully choose which tee shots to use and when, ensuring that each team member’s shot is used the required number of times. It adds a cooperative element to the game and allows players to showcase their teamwork skills. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to learn from each other and improve your own game. And with the added betting aspect, there’s even more incentive to perform your best and contribute to the team’s success.
If you’re looking for a game that involves a bit more strategy and teamwork, then Texas Scramble is the game for you. In this game, all players tee off, and then the group chooses the best shot. From there, each player plays their own ball for the rest of the hole. The team’s score is the best score from the group on each hole. The twist is that each player’s tee shot must be used a certain number of times during the round. For example, if you play with a rule that each player’s tee shot must be used at least four times, then each player’s tee shot must be used on at least four different holes.
Texas Scramble encourages players to work together and strategize. You have to carefully choose which tee shots to use and when, ensuring that each player’s shot is used the required number of times. It adds a cooperative element to the game and allows players to showcase their teamwork skills. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to learn from each other and improve your own game.
For a more individualistic game that still incorporates larger groups, try Last Man Standing. In this game, each player starts with an equal amount of money. Before teeing off, each player must bet a portion of their money into a pot. After each hole, the player with the highest score is eliminated and must contribute more money to the pot. The game continues until there is only one player left standing, who takes the entire pot.
Last Man Standing is a game that tests your nerves and your ability to perform under pressure. As the rounds progress, the stakes get higher, and the pressure to perform becomes more intense. It’s a game that forces you to bring your A-game on every hole and stay focused until the very end. And with the added betting element, the potential to win a significant amount of money is always on the line. It’s a game that brings out the competitive spirit in everyone and keeps you engaged and invested throughout the entire round.
So, whether you choose Snake, Scramble, or Last Man Standing, these high-stakes betting games are perfect for larger groups looking for an exhilarating golfing experience. With strategic decision-making, cooperative teamwork, and intense competition, these games will have your whole crew on the edge of their seats. So gather your friends, set up your bets, and let the games begin. May the best golfer, and gambler, win!